Videos Changing window seals

Tips and information on installing new window seals, especially for older UPVC windows.

Replacing window seals

Replacing window seals, especially for older UPVC windows. Determine window seals for your windows yourself. What do I need to consider when determining my new window seal? Here you will find tips and information on seals for various window systems.

Maintaining window seals

In this video you will also find tips on maintaining your seals and window fittings. In addition, possible adjustment options for the contact pressure on the window sash. (Exenter)

Replacing wooden window seals

Installing wooden window corner seals. The installation of new window seals for wooden windows is shown here. A solution especially for clean mitre cuts in the corners is presented here.

Measuring window seals for wooden windows

Measure window seals yourself. This is a very simple explanation of how you can measure and determine the right window seals for your wooden windows yourself.