What role do the right seals play in saving energy?

Up to 15% of your heating costs can be saved by replacing window seals*.

Replacing the seals on your windows and doors is a simple and cost-effective way to save on heating costs. Improved thermal insulation can reduce energy losses, which has a direct impact on heating costs. This effective step towards saving energy is easy to implement and can lead to a reduction in energy costs in the long term, while at the same time improving living comfort. Replacing window seals is easy and can be done by anyone. Functional seals help to reduce energy costs and improve your quality of living - pollen, noise and dirt stay outside.

It doesn't always have to be major building work when it comes to saving energy! In buildings, most heat and valuable energy is lost around the windows. Regular maintenance of window seals and hardware prevents expensive heat loss and extends the life of your windows by many years.
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It is astonishing that just 1° degree less room temperature improves heating energy consumption enormously. A reduction of 1 degree Celsius leads to energy savings of 6 percent. A large proportion of heating energy is consumed on cold winter days in particular. The heating costs on such a cold day can easily amount to between 5 and 10 euros.

When do I replace my window seals?

Window seals are wearing parts that are exposed to enormous thermal and mechanical loads over many years. The seals become tired over time and their function often deteriorates unnoticed. For this reason, the window seals should be replaced at the latest after replaced after 15 - 20 years at the latest. be replaced.

How can I seal my leaking windows?

There are two test methods to determine whether your windows are leaking. The paper test can be used to check the contact pressure of the seal. A sheet of paper is placed between the window sash and the frame, the window is closed and then an attempt is made to pull the sheet out. If this succeeds without significant resistance, the draught will pass through the leaking window just as easily. For the second variant, the candle test, a candle is lit and moved along the window frame. A steady candlelight indicates a tight window and a flickering flame indicates a leaky window.

Replacing the seals is relatively straightforward and can be carried out by anyone with a little patience.

You can find more information on plastic window seals, wooden window seals, our special silicone seals and installation here.

Tips and tricks for saving energy with window seals

Here are practical tips on how to install, maintain and check window seals correctly:

1. regularly check the seals on windows and doors for cracks,
wear or deformation.
2. clean the seals regularly with a damp cloth to remove dust and dirt.
and dirt.
3. replace damaged or outdated seals in good time to ensure proper insulation.
ensure proper insulation.
4. make sure that the gaskets are firmly seated in the use to avoid draughts and cold bridges.
and cold bridges.

By properly caring for and maintaining window seals, you can not only save energy, but also ensure a pleasant indoor climate in your home. This is because well-sealed windows help to keep the heat in the house and reduce energy consumption.

Why are window seals sustainable?

Our personal concern: The product window seal is often underestimated. With little effort and ease of use, there is a high benefit for the end user and the life of the windows can be extended. Gaskets are crucial to ensure that windows are airtight, watertight and energy efficient. By reducing energy consumption, window seals can lead to significant cost savings on energy bills. The lower energy consumption leads to a reduction in CO2 emissions and ecological footprint.

*Source: Wellnitz, F., Renovating, upgrading, upgrading: energy efficiency vs. building preservation, 2019